中国科学院物理研究所学术交流会是中国科学院物理研究所青年学者展示自身风采,拓宽合作交流,加深同事友谊的盛会,每年举办两次。今年的春季学术交流会将和bat365正版唯一官网联合在古都西安举办,定名为“bat365正版唯一官网-中科院物理所 2018春季青年科学家论坛”。论坛将于2018年5月11日至13日在西安富海明都酒店举办。届时,中科院物理所领导、各研究室主任以及青年学者共计70余人将来西安参加此次会议。
2018 Spring Young Scientists Symposium
Northwest University and Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
May 10th –May 13th, 2018, Xi’an
Day 1 –May 10th (Thursday) |
8:30 | The majority gather at IOP south gate,take bus to Beijing West Railway Station(大部队在物理所南门集合) |
16:30 | The majority gather at the station platform,take bus to Fuhaimingdu Hotel (大部队在站台集合) |
18:00-19:00 | Check in at Hotel (富海明都饭店前台) |
19:00-20:30 | Dinner(富海明都饭店,桌餐) |
Day 2 –May 11th (Friday) |
07:00-09:00 | Breakfast(富海明都饭店,自助) |
09:00-12:00 | Symposium: Morning Session(富海明都会议室) |
12:00-14:00 | Lunch(富海明都饭店,自助) |
14:00-16:00 | Symposium: Afternoon Session (富海明都会议室) |
16:00-18:00 | Visiting(bat365正版唯一官网博物馆) |
18:00-20:00 | Dinner(bat365正版唯一官网萃园宾馆,桌餐) |
Day 3 –May 12th (Saturday) |
07:00-09:00 | Breakfast(富海明都饭店,自助) |
09:00-11:30 | Symposium: Morning Session(富海明都会议室) |
11:30-14:00 | Lunch (富海明都饭店,自助) |
14:00 -18:00 | Visiting and discussion (参观bat365正版唯一官网实验室和小组讨论) |
18:00 -20:00 | Dinner(自由活动) |
Day 4 –May 13th (Sunday) |
07:00-09:00 | Breakfast(富海明都饭店,自助) |
9:00-11:00 | Check-out(富海明都饭店前台) |
11:00 | Gather at the gate of Fuhaimingdu Hotel,take bus to Xi’an North Railway Station(G88 13:30- 17:55) |
2018 Spring Young Scientists Symposium
Northwest University and Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
May 10th –May 13th, 2018, Xi’an
Academic Sessions
May 11th |
Session I | Chaired by Prof. Heng Fan |
9:00-9:20 | Welcome speech from Vice President Jiang CHANG, Northwest University |
Opening remarks from the director of IOP & announcement of the winner of New Star Award in Spring, 2018 |
Time | Speaker | Department | Title |
9:20-10:05 | New Star Awardee | Institute of Physics | TBA |
10:05-10:30 | Coffee Break & Photo-Taking(合影) |
Session II | Chaired by Prof. Guang-Yu Zhang, IOP |
10:30-10:45 | 冯宏剑 | Northwest University | Investigation on the interface states of perovskites-based hetero structures |
10:45-11:00 | 黄 元 | Institute of Physics | Exploration of new properties in 2D materials |
11:00-11:15 | 徐新龙 | Northwest University | Terahertz Surface/Interface Emission Spectroscopy and Its applications |
Session III | Chaired by Prof. Wen-Li Yang , Northwest University |
11:15-11:30 | 罗会仟 | Institute of Physics | Symmetry of neutron spin resonance in the new iron-based superconductor CaKFe4As4 |
11:30-11:45 | 经光银 | Northwest University | Microswimmer in confined space: from rheotaxis to collective motion |
11:45-12:00 | 齐新元 | Northwest University | Theoretical and Numerical Studies on Asymmetric Propagation in Photonic Lattice |
12:00-14:00 | Lunch Break |
Session IV | Chaired by Prof. Yang Sun, IOP |
14:00-14:15 | 郭 静 | Institute of Physics | The important role of pressure in the study of superconductivity |
14:15-14:30 | 吴 滨 | Northwest University | Macroscopic properties of the gravity theory |
14:30-14:45 | 俞 理 | Institute of Physics | Newly developed 7eV and 11eV based Time-of-flight ARPES system and its application to fundamental research |
Session V | Chaired by Prof. Tao Yang, Northwest University |
14:45-15:00 | 郭崇峰 | Northwest University | Design of the phosphors for plant growth LEDs |
15:00-15:15 | 马明伟 | Institute of Physics | Unusual spin excitations in iron-selenide superconductors |
15:15-15:30 | 黄 星 | Northwest University | OPE blocks in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model |
15:30-15:45 | 朱海燕 | Northwest University | Be 12O12 Nano-cage as promising catalyst for CO2 Hydrogenation |
15:45-16:00 | Break |
16:00-18:00 | Visiting the Northwest University Museum |
18:00-20:00 | Dinner |
May 12th |
Session VI | Chaired by Prof. Hong-Ming Wong, IOP |
9:00-9:15 | 宋佳明 | Northwest University | High-resolution characterization of homo-endotaxial 1D Si nanostructures |
9:15-9:30 | 李家方 | Institute of Physics | Kirigami exotic photonic nanostructures |
9:30-9:45 | 刘思远 | Northwest University | The role of coherence during classical and quantum decoherence |
Session VII | Chaired by Prof. Zhanying Yang, Northwest University |
9:45-10:00 | 蔡超然 | Northwest University | Solving the Dynamic Correlation Problem of the Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible-Model on Networks |
10:00-10:10 | 张妞苗 | Northwest University | Synthesis and properties of titanate-based red-emitting phosphor with layered structure for LEDs and FEDs display |
10:10-10:20 | 郭 腾 | Northwest University | Optical fiber for oil/gas industry |
10:20-10:30 | Break |
Session VIII | Chaired by Prof. Jian-Dong Guo, IOP |
10:30-10:35 | 滕 静 | Institute of Physics | Two-component anomalous Hall effect in a magnetically doped topological insulator |
10:35-10:40 | 谢招萍 | Institute of Physics | Ising raft model of biological membranes |
10:40-10:45 | 李庆浩 | Institute of Physics | Anionic redox couple probed by RIXS for high capacity Li battery |
10:45-10:50 | 魏小均 | Institute of Physics | Macroscopic preparation and property study of single-structure carbon nanotubes |
10:50-10:55 | 金士锋 | Institute of Physics | Realization of continuously tunable electron doping and superconducting temperatures in FeSe-based superconductor |
10:55-11:00 | 孙 亮 | Institute of Physics | A Wideband UHF High-Temperature Superconducting Filter System with a Fractional Bandwidth over 108% |
11:00-11:10 | Announcement of recipients of the Best Presentation Awards |
11:10-11:40 | Conclusion remarks and Announcement |
11:40-14:00 | Lunch |
14:00-18:00 | Visiting lab of Northwest University, and group discussion |
18:00-20:00 | Dinner |