2013.12.05 王归仁教授学术报告

报告题目:Ultrahigh Resolution Optical Measurement and Lab-on-a-ChipApplication

报告人:Guiren Wang (王归仁)

报告时间: 2013年12月5日(星期四)上午9点


Ultrahigh Resolution OpticalMeasurement and Lab-on-a-Chip Application

Guiren Wang

Associate Professor

Department ofMechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering Program

University of SouthCarolina, Columbia, South Carolina, USA

Physics Department ,Northwest University, Xian, China


As a multidisciplinary and new field, micro/nanofluidicsbased lab-on-a-chip is attracting interests of many scientists and engineersfrom various areas. In order to develop novel microfluidic device, somefundamental issues in fluid dynamics have to be addressed. Here we introducesome novel observation on the possibility of achieving turbulent flow toenhance transport phenomena (e.g. mixing) in microfluidics with Reynolds numberjust on the order of one. By developing a new method, i.e. Laser InducedFluorescence Photobleaching Anemometer, we are now able to measure turbulencein microfluidics with ultrahigh spatiotemporal resolution. Combining progressin modern nanophotonics, i.e. Stimulated emission Depletion (STED), we aredeveloping a new nanovelocimeter that could enable us to measure slip flowwithin 100 nm from wall, a classic unsolved issue in fluid mechanics, whichbecomes important and cannot be ignored for nanofluidics. We also use STED fornanofabrication of nanostructures to overcome diffraction limit inphotolithography. Finally we also introduce our microfliudic cell sorter basedon dielectrophoresis for cancer cell separation.


Dr. Wang is currently an Associate Professor in theDepartment of Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering Program,University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, USA, and NorthwestUniversity. Dr. Wang received his PhD. from Technische Universität Berlin. Hewas a postdoctoral research fellow in Stanford University. Dr. Wang receivedCareer Award from National Science Foundation (NSF), North American MixingForum and Rising Star from the University of South Carolina. As the PrincipalInvestigator, he received the grant from NSF for Major Research Instrumentation.Currently his research interests include nano/microfluidics and biochip, earlycancer detection, super-resolution far field nanoscopy based on StimulatedEmission Depletion (STED), nano/microfabrication, fluorescence detection,turbulent and mixing, etc.


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